Ways to Celebrate

  1. Share a post on social media, share a picture, change your profile image and help us get #Cascadia trending! Share a picture, share what Cascadia or bioregionalism is, or why it is important. Make sure to tag @Cascadiabioregion / @Cascadiadept
  2. Fly your Cascadia Flag and wear Cascadia gear.
  3. Take a Nature Walk or do something you feel is distinctly Cascadian
  4. Safely host a small gathering of friends or with a local community.
  5. Raise awareness for a cause you believe in, or get out in the streets to support it.
  6. Think about ways we can help other Cascadians in need, and build stronger communities and safety nets throughout the bioregion.
  7. Support a business you feel is local, ethical or sustainable.

Find ideas on how to celebrate or pictures to share herehttps://deptofbioregion.org/cascadia-day
If you need a short post prompt, we are asking “why is Cascadia or bioregionalism important to you? Why now?”

On Facebook you can use or share this Cascadia Day May 18th Frame for your profile image.